A car is one of the main needs for almost every people and family. You will be able to transport and move from one place to another by using a car. You can spend extra time in transporting than using the public transportation or motorcycle by using a car. If you do, a car is a must for your shopping budget this month. Or you need to improve your car with the newest type of car that will give you the best satisfaction and comfort in riding a car.
If you do, you should start to browse the newest car model and type that will be your best consideration and choice. In the beginning of 2010, there are some car manufacturer that are released some hot series of their car. They come with various features and specification that will be met with your requirements. In the following article, you can start to read some new product that will be a good guidance in finding the best car for your needs.
Chevrolet Cruze comes as your first consideration of the best deal of good and comfortable car that you can afford in reasonable price. Chevrolet is one of the world leader manufacturers that have been well-know as the best car manufacturer in the world compared than any other brand manufacturer. This car is build under the license of general motors that have been developing some ultimate product of car in the world car market. This car is equipped with good engine cylinder that is hoped as the best car than any other that is produced by Chevrolet.
You also can choose the other variant of Chevrolet, there is the Chevrolet Volt. Similar to the previous types of car, this car will be released in the Christmas day and Thanksgiving Day in 2010. This car will be only released on certain country in America and Europe. By using this car, you will be able to get the high power of car for your family that will be able to travel 64 miles without gasoline.
The other types of car that you can choose as your best deal of car in 2010 are Buick Regal. This is the new series of Regal that as a stylish body than the previous series. You will be able to travel and drive fast that is considered as the slowest ones. This series is equipped with four-cylinder engine features Turbo-charge that has 220 horsepower that can travel 48 kilometers by one gallon of fuel will be present in the summer of 2010. This car will be your best deal of family car that will ensure your comfort and best satisfaction of driving a car.
Ford also releases some new series of car that may become your best consideration and deal of your car. The first series that you can choose is Ford Fiesta. Similar to the previous series of Ford car, this car will be your best choice of small car that will give you the best performance than any other types of car. You will be able to get the best performance of a car that comes with a captivating design is able to travel 64 miles per gallon. The other series of Ford that will give you the best comfort is Ford S-Max, which is defined as a multi-purposes vehicle that is equipped with diesel machine.
There are several types of car that you can afford in the market today. Instead of those cars you also can afford the other variant of car that may suitable with your needs. You also can choose a lot variant of brand manufacturer that may offer you other ultimate features for your needs.
According to the German magazine Autozeitung, BMW is planning an ‘extreme super sports car’ with hybrid drive and 600hp. The technical basis is ready, but the developers are waiting for the green light from management. The new supercar is expected to be revealed by the spring of 2013.
The new model, rumoured to be called the M8, will be based on the Vision EfficientDynamics concept unveiled at the IAA 2009. Compared to the concept, the upcoming car will be five inches longer, 1.24 meters high, 1.90 meters wide, and will feature a 2+2 configuration.
The hybrid combination consists of a V10 engine from the current M5 and two electric engines; one at the front and one at the back. The first electric motor will deliver 80-115hp and the back one will deliver more than 50hp.
An all-new aluminum chassis, carbon fiber bodywork, fine Kevlar bucket seats, and several magnesium and plastic parts will be developed to ensure that the M8 will weigh just under 1500 kilograms. A sprint from 0 to 60 mph in 3.8 seconds should be possible. Top speed shall exceed 300km/h.
Corvette Stingray Concept je već dobro poznat kao Autobot "Sideswipe" iz filma Revenge of the Fallen (drugi deo Transformersa), a videli su ga i posetioci prošlogodišnjeg Salona automobila u Čikagu.
Međutim, sada su se pojavile i dve slike njegove otvorene, Speedster verzije o kojoj za sada nema konkretnijih detalja, mada se špekuliše da bi trebalo da se pojavi i u trećem delu Transformersa.
Hondin mali model Beat (proizvodio se od 1991. do 1996.) dobiće naslednika, ali tek za četiri godine.
Japanci naime za 2014. planiraju novi manji roadster koji će biti napravljen na potpuno novoj platformi, a imaće pogon na zadnjim točkovima.
Za razliku od Beata koji je bio namenjen samao japanskim kupcima, novi Hondin dvosed će se od kraja 2014. nuditi i u Evropi i Americi, i to navodno po veoma konkurentnoj ceni.
Kako piše nemački Auto Motor und Sport, Audijev manji sportski model R4 će se ipak pojaviti na tržištu, i to tokom 2013. godine.
Baza će najverovatnije biti e-tron concept sa ovogodišnjeg Salona automobila u Detroitu (na slikama), ali serijski R4 neće pokretati elektromotori, već paleta od nekoliko benzinskih i dizel četvorocilindričnih agregata.
Tačnije, R4 će pokretati 1.4 TSI benzinac sa 180KS i 2.0 TDI dizelaš od 170 konja, dok će cena biti manja od Audija TT.